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Toolmakers Series: Keith, CNC Machine Operator

As part of our Toolmakers Series, we talked to one of our CNC Machine Operators about their journey.

Read on to learn more about their experience.

The Job Description

With Adept being mostly automated, having a really good CNC Machine operator is key to our seamless process.


❓How long have you been a CNC Machine operator, and how did you get into it?


18 years. It was a natural progression from toolmaking. I started as an apprentice toolmaker for a company that had no CNC. During my time they got a very basic one that I enjoyed running. When I took a toolmaking job at Adept, I expressed interest in running their CNC machines and eventually moved across to operating.


❓What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?


Knowing the machines are all running perfectly when you leave work – that feels like a good day. It’s incredibly satisfying when we get through large volumes of work overnight and returning in the morning to see the finished parts.


❓Tell us something we wouldn’t otherwise know about being a CNC Machine operator?


You have to be extremely sure of everything you do. Never assume anything is right. Double check everything, all the time.

If something doesn’t feel right, check it again or you won’t sleep at night!


❓ Any advice for people who want to get into CNC Machine operation as a career?


Operating for the purpose of toolmaking, there is a lot of value in learning toolmaking and working on the dies. It gives a solid understanding of what’s important and what to look for in the parts you make. Manual machining helps too.


For more information on becoming a CNC Machine operator, talk to your local tertiary provider.

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